Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Soulmate or Soul-Sucking Booty Call? You Decide.

Soul mate is bull shit, its all about sex

via Daily Bedpost by Em & Lo on 7/28/08

We got such a great response the last time we threw an advice question over to you guys that we decided we should make it a regular occurrence. Our inbox is overflowing and we'll never get to all the lonely hearts, so each week, one reader's fate will be left up to the masses. Answer this reader's question by filling out the poll after the jump:

Dear Em & Lo,

Okay, so I'm a senior in college and he just graduated from the same school. I've seen him around campus for the past four years and have wanted him oh so badly!! I would read the articles he wrote in our school newspaper, and I would smile and say hi whenever I saw him. But I never actually introduced myself or told him how hot he is because I wasn't exactly sure if he was involved (I saw him around her but didn't exactly know the extent because they're weren't around each other that much) and plus I got nervous when he looked at me and couldn't bring myself to say more than hi.

Okay, so that's the backstory to our situation. Finally this spring, we ran into each other at a Med School party and he introduced himself to me!! We danced and talked the whole night before exchanging numbers. I was so happy!! After that night, we had exams so we didn't get to spend so much time together for a couple weeks. He asked what I wanted in a relationship and whether I was ready for one, I told him no because that was the truth at the time. As time progressed we became friends with benefits. ...

The sex is phenomenal and the company is what I've always wanted. It's been almost four months now and I am ready to be with him. Only one problem: the girl I saw now and again with him back in the day was actually his on-and-off girlfriend for the past four years. She wants him back and calls regularly, she even had her mother call him! We discussed everything and the thing is he likes me a lot and I clearly like him but he's not in love with me and he still has feelings for her though he's not sure if that's because of guilt from breaking her heart in the past or from missing what they were in the beginning. He also said that it's the longest relationship he has been in and doesn't think he'd be able to have another long relationship with another person because he is not a good guy and has commitment issues. So he said that he would give her another chance and see where it goes from there just so that he and she can be sure that it is indeed over.

He asked my take on it and I told him I don't want to lose him and want to let our "relationship" continue to grow, seeing that things are already great and we have so much in common, plus we both like each other and aren't exactly ready to settle down for life just yet. I also told him that I want him to be happy and secure with everything so I support his decision to do what he feels is best, even though he thinks that means going back to her for a while. I meant what I said but I want him back. I have admired him from afar for so long that now it really sucks!! I even went to a psychic (which is so not me) and she said he is my soulmate and I must be very patient with him, in due time he will be mine. Do you think it's true? What do you think I should do? We have agreed to continue the friendship. He said he needs me in his life. He loves my sense of humour and cool demeanor and the fact that I'm so easy to talk to: he loves my company. Funny thing is, these are all the qualities I admire about him too and that's why I agreed to be friends. Is this the right thing to do? What's your take?

--Back-Up Girl

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