Saturday, May 24, 2008

Geeks Are as Sexy as Anyone

via Sex Drive Daily by regina lynn on 11/13/07

Geek2geek_logo Some fun little meaningless non-scientific online poll results from Geek 2 Geek, an online dating site for people who self-identify as geeks (whatever that means):

How old were you when you first had sex?

  • 44% indicated that they had sex by the age of 18. According to Trendsin Premarital Sex in the United States, 1954 - 2003, by Lawrence B.Finer, published in the January/February 2007 issue of Public Health Reports, that number for all Americans was 58% in 2003.
  • 12% of respondents aged 25 and above indicated they have never had sex.Based on data from Finer's paper, the number for all Americans is somewhat less than 10%.

What's the earliest date when you had sex with someone?

  • 46% have had sex on their first date.
  • 69% have had sex by their 5th date.

What's an acceptable number of dates before having sex?

  • 23% said it was ok to have sex on the first date. Males were more liberal on this subject, 25% of males approved compared to only 18% of females.
  • Only 6% of males and 7% of females felt it was never ok to have sex until marriage.

How many different partners have you had sex with?

  • 88% of respondents age 25 and over have had sex with at least one partner.
  • 34% said they have had sex with more than 10 partners.

On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being perfect) how would you rate your
enjoyment of sex?

  • 82% of females and 79% of males answered 8 or above.
  • 4% of females and 6% of males answered 3 or below.

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Prostitution: The Partial Differential Equation

via Sex Drive Daily by Randy Dotinga on 11/13/07

Redlight Prostitution, as you know, is difficult to understand. Why do people do it? Some might say it has to do with money and gender and -- I'm going out on a limb here -- sex.

Economists apparently have been looking at those first two factors. But now, some naysayers -- a team of three European economists -- say stigma and reputation are major players:

The whole situation, seemingly so complicated, boils down to a nice partial differential equation. Here it is -- ... rule of thumb for prostitutes. You, a prostitute, find it worthwhile to sell your services when:

[(δU/δL) / (δU/δC) | Sp=0] ≤ w - [(δU/δr) / (δU/δC) | S = 0]

Or, to put it in another simple and easy-to-understand way: "An individual will start to sell prostitution if the price for selling the first amount of prostitution, minus the costs of a worsened reputation for doing so, exceeds the shadow price of leisure evaluated at zero prostitution sold."

We're looking forward to an in-depth analysis of the complex economic factors underlying the words "Hey, honey, how much?"

Out of the equation [Guardian]

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Generation Y Has No Culture

via The Best Article Every day by bspcn on 5/21/08

Written by Point Lessbanter

One subject that I have always been interested in is the cultural impact of generations. Each generation brings different changes to the cultural landscape and leaves a lasting impact. Well… except for generation Y or “generation whine” as some cynical experts call it.

First let me define what generation Y is. Gen Y is basically includes anyone that was born after 1981. The previous generation, Gen X, is anyone that graduated high school in the 1980s. (Which puts me in this odd category because I don’t fall into either group. This allows me to criticize both without having to take sides, which is a nice bonus.)

Most of the criticisms of Gen Y are that they are distracted (always multitasking but never doing a good job), feel a sense of entitlement, they are the most marketed to generation ever (not only do they accept it, they relish in it), have chosen to date or have sex with me (which says something about their taste), and there is a gaping void when it comes to cultural contributions. I feel the first couple of points can be debated because they always seem like a typical swipe at younger generation that happens every few years. The one I want to look at is the cultural contributions because you can see some real issues there.


Generation X: Grunge, Hip-hop, and Indie Rock
There really is no debate about the lasting contributions of the music of this era. Although everyone want to distance themselves from Vanilla Ice, which everyone in generation x agrees about.

Generation Y: Pop punk?

(Fall Out Boy doesn’t make me want to beat it… )

Gen Y’s music can be defined as wholly unoriginal and the band Fall Out Boy personifies it. They aren’t original enough to come up with their own video concepts; they have to adapt stuff that was created by the generation before them. Their pop music is prepackaged Disney stars that are created by a massive marketing machine. There is no real movement here, mostly co-opting the culture of the previous two generations.


reality bites

Generation X: Kevin Smith, Reality Bites, Singles
Gen X had movies and filmmakers that helped define a generation. We are all lazy, mistrusting, weed smoking, coffee swilling, cynical smart asses… I have come to accept that personification. Oh and we all want to bang a young Wynonna Rider.

Generation Y: All those crappy comedy parody films
The comedies that are created for teens aren’t even original to come up with their own ideas. It is all prepackaged pop culture references jammed into 90 minutes. I’ll even give you Juno and you still just have a shit load of pop culture references and nothing that defines that generation.

Reality Television

Generation X: The Original Real World
We gave you a show that talked about race. That had Kevin Powell who is going on and running for Congress. Musicians who actually put out music and got signed by labels like Becky, Heather B, and Andre. Plus a founder of Gay Entertainment television. And who can forget Eric Neiss who brought us… um… uh… excellent aerobics shows?

the grind

Generation Y: The Hills and the Real World Hollywood

It isn’t a good sign that even Gen Y’s reality television turned out to be scripted and fake. Plus when you look at the shift generationally from the first few Real World seasons to the last few where the shows just include attention whores and people that want to be famous for being famous… Well it isn’t a good sign.

real world stripper

Although it did bring us the greatest episode of the Real World ever that included court, strip clubs, a guy going to rehab, threats to roommates, some of the most pointless conversation ever, and possibly cemented this cast as the one I have the most disdain for ever. So I guess I need to give them points for that.

Where does this place Gen Y? Are they just going to be known for the mash-up? Combining the cultural production of others into their own products?

Has Gen Y produced anything of value?

This is going up at


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25 Ways To Tell You’re Grown Up

Are you?

via The Best Article Every day by bspcn on 5/23/08

Written by fabulously40

And Lastly…


Photo Source:


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