via Sex Drive Daily by regina lynn on 11/13/07
Some fun little meaningless non-scientific online poll results from Geek 2 Geek, an online dating site for people who self-identify as geeks (whatever that means):
How old were you when you first had sex?
- 44% indicated that they had sex by the age of 18. According to Trendsin Premarital Sex in the United States, 1954 - 2003, by Lawrence B.Finer, published in the January/February 2007 issue of Public Health Reports, that number for all Americans was 58% in 2003.
- 12% of respondents aged 25 and above indicated they have never had sex.Based on data from Finer's paper, the number for all Americans is somewhat less than 10%.
What's the earliest date when you had sex with someone?
- 46% have had sex on their first date.
- 69% have had sex by their 5th date.
What's an acceptable number of dates before having sex?
- 23% said it was ok to have sex on the first date. Males were more liberal on this subject, 25% of males approved compared to only 18% of females.
- Only 6% of males and 7% of females felt it was never ok to have sex until marriage.
How many different partners have you had sex with?
- 88% of respondents age 25 and over have had sex with at least one partner.
- 34% said they have had sex with more than 10 partners.
On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being perfect) how would you rate your
enjoyment of sex?
- 82% of females and 79% of males answered 8 or above.
- 4% of females and 6% of males answered 3 or below.
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