Friday, August 29, 2008

College Confessional: Sex on Campus

oh! I did that millions of times..

via Daily Bedpost by Em & Lo on 8/21/08


As a sort of "back to school" post, our soon-to-be-senior Maddie Phillips reviews the best and worst places to do it on campus (*asterisked items are her "been there, done that" locales):

Library*: Classic. Who hasn't had that hot librarian fantasy? You can play it out on location by making a special trip to the top floor of your university library. Just make sure you keep the noise down, of course.
Study Lounge*: This should come as no surprise to anyone who has lived in a dorm before. My boyfriend and I both had roommates that were usually around at night when we wanted to, um, get it on 'til the break of dawn. So, we would lay down for a bit until it was late in the evening and sneak into the study room down the hall and barricade (the lockless) door. 

Laundry Room*: Hot bumping and grinding combined with even more hot bumping and grinding.
Empty Classroom: Now this is the kind of extra credit that would draw some attendance. This works best if it's the classroom of your most hated professor.
Campus Theater:
You may feel inspired to really emote, just don't "act out" any orgasms--keep 'em real.

Music Rehearsal Room*: Aren't they all for making beautiful music? NOTE: Sound-proof walls are like magic.
Campus Television Station: If there was ever a place to make a video...
On the Lake*: Not every school has one but Oswego sits right on Lake Ontario with the bragging rights of one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world. If your school is near a body of water that you haven't had sex in, on, or near, then you have your work cut out for you this semester.
Racquetball Court: The only truly private room in our school gym is the racquetball room. I'm excited to get in there and work up a sweat this semester.
Rooftop*: It can be a bit difficult to gain access, but if you can it's worth the work. NOTE: You might want to make sure you're on the highest building in your general vicinity; otherwise you won't be without an audience.
Art Studio*: My ex-boyfriend was an art major, which apparently requires a lot of late nights in the studio. I went with him once for a photo shoot he was using me in which unsurprisingly turned erotic quickly. If any one walks in I suppose you could always claim you were practicing your life drawing.


Community Showers*: Obvious, uncomfortable and dirty. I don't know why people think this is sexy. It's usually filthy, and has terrible lighting.
Parking Lot*: I'm all for car sex. As a matter of fact I'm a huge fan. But I'm no exhibitionist and sex in a school parking lot is just inviting voyeurism.
Bathroom Stall: I'd rather do it in the community shower.
Elevators (in service): Unless you are superhuman and you climax faster than a speeding bullet, I don't see anyone truly getting off in an elevator. However, if the elevator is docked, you're in business.
Stairwells: in the wake of a million dirty footprints. Pass.
Hallway: There is adventurous... and then there's dumb.
Roommate's Bed*: I hope my roommate never reads this...this one is a bad idea because in the throes of passion it's likely you'll leave evidence. Also, your roommate has a key to her own room, which might mean awkward walk-in. Plus, it's just plan rude to invade someone's personal space like that. Not worth the risk (realized in retrospect.)

In Your Own Bed (when your roommate is still in her/his bed)*: I really hope my roommate never reads this! Picture it: Your roommate skipped her morning class and is selfishly cutting into your usual morning workout routine. Do you risk playing the "Don't wake the roommate" game? I know what you're thinking: "Well, if you're quiet enough...maybe." The correct answer is NO. Never. You are not Chuck Norris: Your roommate will know that you're doing the nasty right next to her (whether she let's you know or not) and she will hate you--forever. Besides, who wants quiet, cautious, borderline paranoid sex anyway?

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Poll: Is Pubic Hair Dye a Sign of the Apocalypse?

via Daily Bedpost by Em & Lo on 8/25/08

This fake fashion show of couture pubic hair designs by Stefane Monzon "sponsored by" Remington pretty much sums up how we feel about the beauty/fashion industry: the lengths people, especially women, go to for external beautification are absolutely ridiculous...just don't ask us to give up our trips to Aveda!

We were reminded of this hilarious video when an overseas sex toy shop sent out a press release announcing they are carrying Betty, "color for the hair down there." Turns out pubic hair dye wasn't just something made up for an episode of Sex and the City. Yes, you can now match the carpet to the drapes, cover gray or just freak out your partner (along with blonde, brown, black and auburn, they've got hot pink and aqua blue) with dye made specifically for the short and curlies of your most sensitive area. In fact, the site claims it has amassed over 100,000 users of its product in the last two years. Is this just more fun to be had with your sexual physical identity or further proof that women need to use less brain power on the minutia of grooming if they want to head more Fortune 500 companies, earn as much as men for the same job, and/or become president?
What do you think of pubic hair dye? (you can choose more than one)
( polls)

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Advice Redux: How Should I Store My Sex Toys?

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When Someone's Been a Very Naughty Boy...

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Sex Dream Analysis: "My Husband's a Lying, Cheating Bastard"

via Daily Bedpost by Em & Lo on 8/27/08

Photo via Splash

Very rarely are other people's dreams interesting...except when they're about sex. This week dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg tackles a sex nightmare:

Current dream is my husband cheating, woman is always super nice, he is never apologetic and defends her. I smack him around but my blows never touch him.

Should she hire a private investigator? Start cheating on him in her own dreams? Find out after the jump (right after you send us your own dreams!):

Lauri Lowenberg:
Unless you have a really good reason to suspect hubby of getting his pleasures elsewhere, I wouldn't start snooping through his pockets and his drawers (either kind) just yet! Ask yourself what he is doing that is causing you to feel "cheated" out of your time with him. He must be giving his time, attention, and possibly even his affection to something that does not involve you. Is it work? The Wii? Maybe he's tinkering around with the hot rod in the garage? He's never apologetic in your dreams because, in real life, he may have no idea that you are feeling a little left out. And your blows never touch him because your dream is showing you that you aren't "reaching him" in the old communication department. Once you are able to pinpoint what it is that he is doing that is causing a bit of jealousy, let him know. There may be a dinner at a four-star restaurant in it for ya. Sweet dreams!

The dreamer responds: Wow! I think you got it! My husband is working a lot and traveling. His job is very high stress and people are constantly demanding his attention. He makes million dollar decisions. So when he comes home he is quiet and wants to be left alone. He also travels more and I sometimes feel left behind, like he is becoming more worldly and experienced than me. I often worry about him meeting another woman who, like him, is worldly and not just a little school teacher like myself. Yes, it is difficult to communicate with him, he is very stoic. So nothing more juicy than being married to a workaholic.

Submit your own sex dream for analysis to dxxxx@xxxcom. Anonymity guaranteed!

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Before I Die I Want to... Experiment with a Woman

Sure..Every lesbian turned thinks the same way and then there is no going back.

via Daily Bedpost by Em & Lo on 8/29/08

Photo via Splash

This week's bucket list edition goes out to a whole bunch of women who have written in to say that they're straight but fancy getting jiggy with a lady. Take this note from Allie, for example: "Before I die (actually, before I settle down), I want to sleep with another woman. How do I tap into my bi-curious side, and how do I even find someone to experiment with?" Oh, and if you're on the fence about attacking your own bucket list, consider this: Dave Freeman, co-author of the original 100 Things to Do Before You Die book, died this week at age 47, after hitting his head in a fall (his family says he got through about half his list). So here are a few tips for all you post-college L.U.G.s out there. Go on, do it for Dave!

1. Online personals are the perfect place to find a candidate for your L.U.G. fling. And if you're not quite sure you're ready to jump in yet, it's a great way to flirt with other gals online and get an idea of who might be your type by window-shopping. Just make sure you're honest -- don't go checking the "looking for a serious relationship" box.

2. If part of your bucket list wish is to actually get picked up by a lady (or do the picking up yourself) then just head over to your local lesbian bar. Because believe it or not, you'll find a whole bunch of lesbians there.

3. Many a straight woman who has taken it upon herself to "experiment" assumes that the entire lesbian world will be giddy with excitement at the prospect of a one-night stand with a het gal. So this het gal walks into a lesbian bar and can't believe that the other patrons aren't falling over themselves to get to her. But a lot of lesbians just can't be bothered with the hassle of a woman who may freak out halfway through or just not commit to the cunnilingus. If you're one of those het gals who always relies on the man to make the first move -- shame on you -- you may have to actually get off your butt and do some of the heavy lifting seduction work yourself.

4. No matter how you meet her, whether online or off, be honest about your intentions and (lack of) expectations. Being a L.U.G. for a night doesn't give you the right to act like an asshole playa dude.

5. If your town is all out of gay bars, you could always steer an evening toward a game of Truth or Dare or Spin the Bottle with a bunch of like-minded friends. Because nine times out of ten, those games end up in two girlfriends (meaning girl [space] friends) making out.

6. Buyer beware: If a game of Truth or Dare ends up in two straight(ish) girls making out, nine times out of ten a dude will try to join in. So if you'd like things to go a little further than French kissing, you might want to play Seven Minutes in Heaven and put a lock on the closet door.

7. Buyer beware, redux: Seven minutes is not nearly enough time to get to "heaven."

8. If you're feeling panicked about what to do, consider this: she's got the same parts as you do -- it's not like this is foreign territory. (Tongues and fingers are more than enough, no need to break out the strap-on.) So pretend you're hooking up with yourself and go from there. Just remember that every woman's parts work slightly differently. Which means, the number one rule about hooking up with a woman is to pay attention to how her body responds to what you're doing.

9. Just because you're fulfilling your bucket list dream, doesn't give you the right to be a selfish lover. And just because you're a novice at sapphic love doesn't give you the right to be a lazy lover, either.

10. Have fun! This is only sex, after all. If you're not enjoying yourself, you're kind of missing the point.

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